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Search products replace fish meal, fish oil

In aquaculture, feed prices are an important factor. Aquaculture industry continues to find the replacement of fishmeal and fish oil, which accounts for the bulk of the cost of aquaculture. Scientists are studying non-traditional ingredients such as seaweed, mushrooms and beef fat, but being able to produce new products to replace fish oil and fish-meal or not is still a problem.

Study Confirms could completely replace fishmeal in salmon products which still have to be normal size. The researchers also evaluated the product dried seaweed replacement part for fish meal protein in shrimp, wheat gluten in trout grow faster.

Soybeans can also be replaced by low cost, helped develop tilapia industry. Soybeans will be missing in the next 10 years, the price of soybeans will increase and algae will be a significant source of protein. Algae contain more protein than soy or canola oil. However, the cost of huge algae production.

Aquaculture uses of plant food components can also pollute should we also study the powder derived from the birds. But the powder can also contain antibiotic residues.

Additionally, these products bring efficiency grease, can reduce some types of fatty acids found in fish and therefore the product would be a replacement of fishmeal.