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Fish Meal type CD67

Fish is the best source of protein for fish species. Fish meal protein average from 45-60%, others 70% and mainly made from sea fish. Fishmeal contains complete amino acid necessary for aquatic animals. Especially in the lipid composition of fishmeal have much higher molecular fatty acid unsaturated. In fish meal is high in vitamin A and D and suitable for the high vitamin A in food. Fish makes food become attractive odor and palatability of food. Mineral content in fish meal is always greater than 16% and the mineral resources of aquatic animals used effectively. Raw energy of fishmeal around 4100-4200 kilocalorie / kg. In addition, some studies show that in fish meal containing growth stimulant, which is the main cause when replacing fishmeal with other animal protein sources are not entirely the result achieved using fishmeal.

However, a problem encountered in fishmeal in feed processing is: in some fish meal may contain vitamin B1 antagonist (thiaminase), high costs and very volatile raw material source.

Ingredients Fish Meal data type CD67:
Fish CD67 Meal ( 67 % Protein)
Parameters Specifications
​67 % Min
Fat 10 % Max
Moisture 10 % Max
Sand & Silica
​1 % Max
Ash 20 % Max
Acid value 25-30% Max
​110 mg/100g
Histamine 500 ppm. Max

Antioxidants Fish Meal CD67 Type

Aqua feed because the high fat content and fat composition of fatty acids unsaturated polymer so susceptible to oxidation during processing and storage. When oxidized going rancid food and loss of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins like A, D and E, carotenoids are destroyed as the nutritional value of food is reduced. Therefore in aquatic feed, need additional antioxidants. Antioxidants should ensure non-toxic and cheaper. The antioxidants commonly used are:
- BHT (Butylated hydroxy toluene): 200 ppm
- BHA (Butylated Hydroxy Anisole): 200 ppm
- Ethoxyquin (1,2-dihydro-2,2,4 trymethyl ethoxy quinoline 6): 150 ppm

Fish Meal Type antifungal substances CD67
Temperature and high humidity in the tropics are causes for vulnerable aquatic food mold growth. The main obstacle for aquatic food processing is the growth of Aspergillus flavus, molds produce toxins Aflatoxin, a toxin dangerous to aquatic animals. Fungi usually grow in the oilseeds. corn and potato tubers. Substances commonly used antifungal agents is one or a mixture of organic acids. In aquaculture feed some mold inhibitor used is propionic acid, sorbic acid, sodium diacetate, phosphoric acid. The antifungal substance use must not affect the palatability of feed for aquatic animals.

Flavorings (lures) Fish Meal type CD67
Lures important role and decision efficiency of animal food seafood, especially shrimp. In the raw materials used as feed for shrimp available natural lures such as toner, powder krill, shrimp head powder, polychaete gium, silkworm pupae, hydrolysis prawns. Matter content varies according to lure species (1-5%). Additionally ink oil, krill oil is also used as lures in shrimp feed.

In addition to natural lures and artificial lures such as free amino acids (glycine, analine, glutamate) or a peptide molecule synthesized as betane also to supplement feed for aquatic animals .

Methods of food preservation CD67 type properly Fish Meal

In food preservation should note some important principles. Preserved food, depending on the type of food, not the background to the floor or against the wall. The preservation of necessary 100% no touch water, the material must be moisture preservation. Raw materials used in food production depends on the nature of that storage and use in production as soon as possible. The storage materials should be limited variety of mold infestation and insects. A disadvantage is the temperature in storage tend to rise and harm in storage. Escape reasonable understanding of preservation will bring greater efficiency. Always pay attention that the storage will not increase the quality of the product but only to slow the reduction of product quality.
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